Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Mr Zombie is a very wealthy guy because his body is worth a lot of money. He is taking his Zombike on the first ride.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Old Wild West

''Last Station''

After a long journey two drunken cowboys derailed locomotive in the desert.
Last station is also the last day of their lives.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Klondike Sled

The history of the Klondike Sled was started during the Klondike Gold Rush in 1896 when placer gold was found on Rabbit Creek in Alaska. There weren’t enough ships for pospectors which came to Alaska and people went overland. People need new and strong sleds to transport commodity.
During the gold rush, dogs were expensive. As a result, on the beginning many Klondikers pulled their own sleds. The situation changed when people started to get rich.

To this day most of the sleds are constructed of strong wood.